162 It appears from what has been said that, by the intro-
duction of the new variables, all the equation of the proble*! have
again taken the form which they have when there is no translation
This at once, leads to the following conclusion:
i • F'A 'I ^ ay8tem Ut reSt' there Cim 63dsf; a stete of things in
which d, h and p arc certain functions of x, y, M and t the J -

system can be the seat of phenomena - in which the vectors d' h' n
are the same functions of the relative coordinates x', y' / and the
local time t.
J '
The theorem may be extended to the mean values of d, h or
d, h, the eleotnc moment P per unit of volume, and also to the
vector D which we have introduced in § 114, compared with a similar
one that may be defined for the moving system If for the on A
system, wo put
* '
(I - E, h * H, D - E + P,
and for the other

d'... E', if'-H', D'-E'+P,
the result is, that for each state in which E, H, D are certain tone-
tions of *, y g t, thure. is a corresponding state in the moving system,
oharaoterisBed by values of E', H', D' which depend in the same way

OH Jt/ , y > 3 *
163. The value of Kreanei'a coefficient follows m m immediate
consequence from thui general theorem. Let us suppose thufc in a
transparent ponderable body without translation, there is a proportion
of light waves,, m which the components of E and H are represented

by expressions of the form
. ,
where «, ft, y ,iro tho cliroctioit c»si«w of tho normal to the wave,
and » the. yolonty of propstgtdion, Thwi, MrroHpgmiinir to feu. we
may huvc in th« nam, body whil, in ttlt)tion phenomena that may
hkewuw be dwuTiW tt« a propagation of light waves, and which

are rppnwwitwt by «»xprnHHioiw of tho form
i, e., on account of (SJ7(J),
a COH n (t ..... w^" •*•- w^' t.w»''
If we put here